It was first day at Jiji's house. Last night Sophia fell down from the bed. Oh dear...

Catcus is really famous in Arizona, so Jiji and Claire took us to the Cactus Park. This was Sophia's fist time to see cactuses, and she didn't know that they hurt. She accidentally touched one and of course she got stabbed. Do you know what is inside cactuses? It's wood. I think I learned many good lessons at the Cactus Park.

After the park, Jiji and Claire took us to a NICE hotel to eat lunch. Mama didn't eat rice this morning, so she was starvng... Mama ate pasta, Sophia had a burger, and Scott had salad and sherbet!!! While we were eating lunch, Jiji played chess on a big board with Sophia. It was lovely to watch them.

At night there was a big party and lots of Jiji's friends came to visit. Sophia had lots of fun jumping on the sofa and spinning around.